Steps to Hosting a Neighborhood Pop-Up


For the ultimate outdoor dining this summer, consider hosting a Neighborhood Pop-up!

Outdoor eating is a safe way to gather and maintain social distancing. The Red Barn Chili Wagon can be booked for your Neighborhood Pop-up for serving simply good and nutritious food for your street or block.

Impress your Friends & Family!

The next time you chat with the families on the street, ask them if they'd like to have Red Barn Chili come to their block for a Neighborhood Pop-up. Explain that you want to host a pop-up and would they support a local foodie.

A successful pop up has about 10-15 families that gather outside at the hosts house. The goal is to not only have fun, but to assure there's enough in sales for the truck to make it worth their while. Food Trucks and Carts typically need about $300 in sales to cover their expenses of just showing up and usually have a minimum guarantee before considering the event. The more popular the truck, the higher the minimum. A good rule of thumb: A typical family of 4 will spend an average of $27-32 a visit to a fast food or carryout restaurant.

With careful planning and promoting, Neighborhood Pop-ups can be very successful. Enrolling friends and relatives to gather for a good time and support local food services is a win-win!

Some families sport picnic tables or bring chairs. It's not only a chance to catch up but also a safe way to have a wonderful outdoor event. Others set up karaoke or have yard games or water works like squirt gun fights or slip and slides, even a neighbor hood movie night.

What it Takes

The keys to a successful Neighborhood Pop-up are simple:

  1. A Good Occasion This is easy, it's not that hard to find an excuse to get families on your street together! Celebrate a birthday, graduation or just because its Friday!
  2. A Good Social Chairman Easy too. There's always that person who is the stand out on your  block, the "go-to" when you need a hand, a good organizer. You know who I'm talking about.
  3. An Enthusiastic Committee Enroll at least 5 other neighbors to help co-host. That way, you"re assured of a good turnout especially by having them each spread the word and invite 5 other families to the Pop-up.
  4. A Sweet Spot  Finding a good spot to set up the Chili Wagon is too easy, small enough to wheel on the grass, driveway or off street.

To host a Neighborhood Pop-up is fun and to book the Red Barn Chili Wagon is simple easy, just follow the link below, fill out the form and book the available date. We'll send you a confirmation email and suggestions that will make this an enjoyable occasion.

The Fun Begins Here

Book Now!
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